Rayleen Small
Coordinated Services Planning Coordinator
Phone: 705-268-3594
Wachay! My name is Rayleen Small and I’m one of the Coordinated Service Planning Coordinators here at Mushkegowuk Health O.M.A with the MaMou PimoTayTaa – Special Needs Strategy team. I’m from Moosonee, ON, an Illilu/Eeyouu Cree and a Moose Cree First Nation member. I have been living in Moose Factory for around 3 years with my son, 2 dogs, and one cat! 😊
I joined the team at the end of September 2022, and it has been so great. My previous jobs have all been working with children and specifically working with children with Special Needs. I always wanted to become a teacher, but I have realized that I don’t belong in the classroom but love helping/supporting children anyway I can, and with this job I am doing what I love.
As a Coordinated Service Planning Coordinator, I support families with children/youth from the time they are born to the end of their schooling with multiple and/or complex special needs. Many families struggle with finding the specific supports that their family needs and struggle with having to repeat their struggles to multiple providers. Many families struggle with finding the specific supports that their family needs and find it frustrating having to repeat their struggles to multiple providers. But with my position I would help support them through developing family centred goals and coordinating those goals with all those in the child's team. A family can connect to our program with or without a diagnosis.
I am looking forward to providing these services to our home communities and connecting with families.